
Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Aloe Vera Working Slow HIV Virus

WHO Indonesia's people unheard see unique plants ini.Biasanya other one, this plant is also grown as dipekarangan house plants. Naturally, in addition to the unique shape, the way was very easy maintenance. Self-sufficient with water, soil kelembabpannya guarded and nurtured with organic fertilizer.

Aloe vera plants (aloevera), in addition to the kasiatnya always been known as a fertility hair, you know ngak suspected that this mucus can be formulated into a drug HIV / AIDS?Why? Because, in the aloe vera content that serves as the body's defense system is expected to inhibit the HIV virus work by stimulating the immune system of the sufferer work.

There are more than 200 species of Aloe vera. Found mostly dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Tongue can even live long without water because the plant could close the pores serekat glue even when the leaves cut. The objective is to avoid the discharge of water. Aloe vera which includes the family Liliaceae can be found almost in all continents.

Aloe vera is to stimulate the growth of new cells in the skin. Aloe vera in the mucus substance contained Lignin is able to penetrate and permeate into the skin. This will keep mucus fluid loss from the skin surface. Result, the skin does not dry quickly and look youthful. In addition to hemorrhoids, aloe vera can be overcome swelling in the knee and injuries. Aloe vera also helps cope with constipation or difficult bowel movements because mucus is bitter and contain Laktasit, so that is a good laxative.

By knowing the benefits of aloe vera plant could not hurt if we plant around our homes. In addition to greening the environment, the benefits are not infinite.

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